The ALLY Initiative

Ally, An Opioid Overdose Response Initiative

Ally is a peer navigation response for individuals who experience an opioid overdose. This program is modeled on the principles of the National Bridge Model, which started in California. Allies, who are people with lived experience of addiction with five or more years of recovery or have had a family member struggle with addiction, meet the patient in the emergency department after an overdose. During the initial visit, Allies will:

  • Provide education on addiction, treatment, and harm reduction strategies.
  • Provide harm reduction resources such as Narcan.
  • Connect patients to their preferred behavioral health treatment (e.g., Narcotics Anonymous meetings, Intensive Outpatient Programs, In-Patient Detox and Recovery Centers).

After the initial visit, Allies will follow-up with patient within 72 hours and weekly for up to 30 days. Allies can also assist in resolving other health-related social needs through Beacon’s social care navigation service.

How to Refer:

For patients with a suspected opioid overdose,
call (337) 362-4920 and provide the following information:

  •  Patient name
  •  Patient MRN
  •  Patient room number
  •  Name of contact staff member in ED
  •  Estimated discharge time

After Referral:

An ALLY will meet the patient in the ED in approximately 45 minutes to:

  • Conduct a brief assessment
  • Introduce programs and treatment options
  • Facilitate connections to treatment options
  • Educate patients to prevent harm and provide harm reduction resources